Well there has been a lot happen since the last time I set finger to this blog. I do apologize to my followers and hope tthe hat you can forgive me once you've had a moment to consider the reasons which follow.
1. My father in law passed which was extremely hard on E and my mother in law.
2. We found out shortly after his death that I am pregnant again. Which makes it slightly difficult to have a blog about losing weight until this baby is born lol
3. I've went back to work, and while I LOVED being home with AJ I felt like I was losing myself. So now I am a full time employee
4. We have moved TWICE since October.....drama with new neighbors....longgg story.
5. We still haven't gotten internet since we've had to move so much lol so now i've figured out a way to post via email.
6. My grandmother, who is like a second mother to me, is in the hospital and we are awaiting news to know if AJ and I need to fly back.
So now you have all of the reasons and I am trying to be more active on this blog and to create a new one as well. Thank you all for read thus far and I hope you continue to enjoy my blog/life :)